Richmond Christian School Association
Richmond Christian School is controlled and operated by the Richmond Christian School Association. This Association is made up by parents and guardians of children attending the school who provide input in the decision-making process that defines school’s policies, direction and future plans through membership.
Board of Directors
Each year, the Association’s members elect a Board of Directors. The Board exists as a corporate body and therefore individual directors have no power. Board Directors provide vision, direction, determine school policies, hiring of teachers and staff and establish a sound financial plan for operating the school. Some board members will also act as chairs of committees who oversee various aspects of the school’s operation. These committees elicit help from staff, parents and guardians who become our “eyes and ears.”
Richmond Christian School Society
Members of the Richmond Christian School Society are eligible to serve on Committees and the Board. We are individuals with various cultures and backgrounds but with the same heart and mind: serving our school community for the glory of our Lord Jesus!
Board Nominations
Nominations are requested for candidates to fill vacancies on the Board of Directors of the Richmond Christian School Association. Any two members in good standing may nominate candidates for the Board by completing this Board Nomination Form.
Board of Directors 2024-25
Students are challenged. RCS exists to educate. We need to explore other forms of education. Great academic marks cannot be the only measurement tool for an RCS education. How will or should education change so that our students are better equipped to serve our God in whatever vocation he calls them too? How will the availability of online education affect our students? What is a well-rounded education? Before we can dictate how to better utilize or expand our facilities we need to better understand this.
Staff are valued. Our best assets go home to sleep at night. It is not our facilities or other monetary assets. How do we value our staff? How do we become an employer of choice? The reality of competing with a government operated public education system in terms of shear monetary remuneration and benefit program is difficult if not impossible. But that doesn’t mean we can compete with in terms of other benefits.
Christ-centred. Our community represents about 100 different churches and many different denominations. We need to focus on what makes us the same rather than what makes us different. All denominations believe that salvation is free, free because of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. But calling Jesus our Lord requires work, submission to the doing of His work that He has planned for us. How do we further develop our Bible program into one that not only engages the mind, but the heart as well? One that transforms our students and our community into one of action rather than just knowledge? Being Christian is the key factor to what makes us different from public schools and many independent schools. Our mandate is to weave our faith into all aspects of our school.
The Board and its committees have a lot of work to do this year, and we would appreciate your continued support. Whether in time, finance, and prayer or in anything else, we value your contribution to our community. We know that ordinary people can accomplish the extra-ordinary through the power of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Redeemer.
~ RCS Board of Directors