
Teaching Math from a Christian perspective begins with the knowledge that reality does have structure and order because it was created by an orderly God. In Grade 6 Math, the students learn one aspect of the real world and indirectly learn about the God who has created their world. The students will find exactness, precision and completeness in the subject matter of mathematics, just as would be expected in God’s world. Units include Number Concepts, Probability and Statistics, Number Operations/Word Problems, Patterns and Relations, Shape and Space, 3D Objects and 2D Shapes, and Transformations.


This course will foster the student’s understanding of scientific knowledge and processes. Furthermore, it will deepen student’s understanding and knowledge of both the creation and the Creator, prompting them to take action and promote on-going change, transformation, restoration and hope as they work to show God’s love for all creation. Students will also be challenged to consider what it means to be wise stewards of God’s creation. Units include Characteristics of a Living Thing, Microscopes, Cells, Testing Variables, Classification, Adaptations/Kingdom Scrapbooking Project, Electricity, Alternate Energy, and Extreme Environments.

Social Studies

God created us to be in relationship, and we are by nature social beings. Social Studies deals with people in relationship with God, with others, and with creation, and is an opportunity to dig deeper in all of these relationships. Awareness of various cultures and worldviews enables us to develop Christ-like empathy for others, and an appreciation for different ways of life. It is our goal that as students grow in their understanding of geography, economy, technology, human rights, and government, it will equip them to joyfully serve the Lord in all areas of life. Units include Geography, Economy and Technology, Government, Human Rights and World Wanderers Project.

Language Arts

God has given us the gift of communication, as he desires for us to live in communion with him and in community with one another. The aim of our Language Arts program is to help students grow in discipleship as they learn to listen thoughtfully, speak effectively, read reflectively, and write creatively. In grade six, we will study poetry, short stories, and novels from secular and Christian traditions, always looking to God’s infallible Word as the unchanging standard of what is good, right, and true. We will also actively participate in the writing process, learning to develop an idea into a published product. Additionally, we will model and teach honest speech and empathetic listening, as these are required in order to live authentic lives before God and in community with one another. Units include Interviewing a Friend, “Holes” novel study, Short Story Writing, Poetry, “Someone Named Eva” /Holocaust novel study, Research Writing Alternative Energy Research Report, “The Breadwinner” novel study, Human Rights essay, and Literature Circles.


It is the purpose of the Bible program at Richmond Christian Middle School to help students develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ through a deeper understanding of the Scriptures and the application of its story to daily life. We want students to be able to go beyond a cursory understanding of the individual stories of the Bible, and to develop an understanding of how all of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, and right up to the present day, is one story whose central figure is Jesus Christ. The central components of this story, the Death and Resurrection of Jesus, are the stories that all other stories hinge upon. Units include The Patriarchs, The Incarnation and Birth of Christ, Judges and Ruth, Easter and the Resurrection, The Kingdom of God and Parables of Jesus.

Health and Career

Our main goal as Christian educators is to teach about Christ’s love for us. For our students to live a truly healthy life that includes joy, peace and fulfilment they must practice living lives that are obedient and honouring to God. In Health and Career Education, students are made aware of God’s views on healthy living, safety and injury prevention, alcohol and substance abuse as well as goal setting and decision making for their future. These concepts are taught in a variety of ways. Our weekly Chapel services engage students with lively lessons and challenges for living healthy, Godly lives as well as opportunities to worship. Servant hood is a key concept we focus on. Students are able to put this Godly attribute into practice with our Ambassador program. Students are challenged to serve our school and to be accountable. We are also involved with various service projects. Health education is also addressed in our daily Anchor times. The topics and pressing that issues our students are facing are addressed with devotions, team-building activities, and media awareness. Guest speakers are often brought in to discuss such issues.


In the beginning God created human beings with the gift of communication. He formed the framework and structures that human beings could discover and develop into means of communication. God made each language rich and intricate containing a unique way of structures and patterns. Since one language alone cannot contain all possible ways to praise God, we discover new ways to glorify the Creator as we learn other languages. Language is a creational gift which reflects the image of God and is not merely a human invention. Units include Building Community and Getting to Know One Another, AIMS Play “Chat Angora,” “Le Noel,” Le Chandail de Hockey, Les Festivals et Carnival, Au Café,” AIMS Play “Bistro des animaux.”

Physical Education

God has blessed each one of us with intricate and carefully created bodies. He has also blessed with the gift of sport and recreation, which can be used throughout our lives both in school in society as a whole. In learning various team and individualized sports we can better develop our body’s physical condition, coordination and skill sets. Learning what it means to work together as a team and develop the qualities of sportsmanship can honour God’s creation. We can also learn humility and mercy through physical activities/competition and use the physical strength God has given us as an act of worship. Units include Distance Running and Games, Volleyball, Fitness Circuit, Dance, Tennis, Basketball, Badminton, Track & Field, Ultimate and Wide Games.


As God’s children, we have been blessed with abilities to sing and play instruments to praise Him. The words and melodies of our praises stay in our hearts, our minds, and on our tongues. We are able to lift up and encourage each other “…with songs, hymns, and spiritual songs” (Ephesians 5:19) It is important that students have the opportunity to explore ways of praising God through all music, not just those deemed ‘sacred’ or having blatant religious vocabulary. God calls each of us to develop the gifts that have been given to us, and it is our responsibility to follow that call. At this middle school level, developing those gifts include learning about, listening to, performing, appreciating and discovering a wide range of music types and genres. In order to understand all facets of music, students are exposed to the various constructs and aspects of music: we study melody, rhythm, form, harmony, expression, technique, composition, as well as the cultural/historical context of music, all with the understanding that God is the creator and centre of all we sing, play, and listen to. It is truly a gift to have the opportunity to discover more of who God is through the enjoyment of His gift of music and song. Units include Elements of Rhythm, Elements of Melody, Thoughts, Images and Feelings, Context: Self and Community, Context: Historical and Cultural.


Genesis 1 is a testament to the creative nature of our God. He not only shaped His children into being, but also created the world in which one draws his or her inspiration. We are in essence created to create. Through this process one not only better comes to understand who they are in Christ, but also who their Creator is. Visual arts are a form of worship to the One who created it all, providing media through which to express one’s deepest thoughts, feelings, struggles and joys. This visual arts program seeks to engage learners in a variety of media and compositions of artistic styles from around the world. This global perspective encourages an awareness of art history and culture, while providing examples of the ways different people groups have come to express themselves and their culture. Through this engagement, students will develop their own visual literacy, sense of their unique abilities, and an understanding of their God as Creator. Units include Student Portfolios, Kuna Indian Molas, Dot Art, Still Life, Calligraphy, Bamboo Art, Mask Making, Impressionism, Great Works Revisited and Gallery Walk.


In many ways our world is rapidly changing but the needs and desires of man have not changed. The role of the library is to encourage students to read for pleasure and insight so that they might better understand the world that they live in and how they can be a blessing to that world. The other major role of the library is to work with teachers in preparing students to navigate and successfully utilize the resources on the internet. The learning environment is not just set within the walls of the school but is everywhere, especially with the development of the Internet. With students having so much access to information through electronic resources, they must develop information literacy which is the ability to locate, use and effectively evaluate information. Like any skill that is acquired, it can be used for God’s glory which ultimately is the final goal of any endeavour. Units include Assessing Websites, Becoming Internet Savvy, and Social Justice.


In these exponential times, it is important that students grasp a solid understanding of the role technology plays in our everyday lives. Technology is an open doorway to a vast well of information and our students must begin to sort through this well with a critical lens. Navigating this information may be difficult and distracting, therefore it is important to offer students the best tools for searching, reviewing, evaluating and reflecting upon the information they encounter in their studies and personal lives. Furthermore, technology is transformative. With setting a clear purpose, students can engage with technology in order to create powerful, persuasive and imaginative representations that reflect our values as followers of Christ and therefore, the image of God Himself. Subsequently, technology is a language that students must begin to learn. It is powerful, yet at times frustrating, to understand. It can be beautiful or disastrous. It is our job as educators to encourage students to learn this new language so that they know how to better use it in the creation of knowledge and not just as a tool to represent that knowledge. Technology has many creative possibilities and is an area that will need constant re-evaluation as it becomes more integrated into our lives, classrooms and the learning process. Units include Introduction to Computers and MS Word 2010, Bookmaking and Design, Research Skills and Citations for Bibliography, Responsible Research, Introduction to Powerpoint, Word Processing/Essay Writing and Editing, Introduction to Photoshop, Graphic Design (3D Modelling) for Science Board Games.


The study of mathematics is a study into the divine Nature of God through a look at order and beauty in numbers. The study of mathematics is the study of the handiwork of God. To observe, record and put logic to numbers is to make sense of the world around us in mathematical terms. Mathematics is the basis for many of the sciences that point us towards the fact that there is a Creator and an intelligent design in our universe. Through studying mathematics, we gain a greater understanding of our physical world and put a language to explain how numbers is a integral part of God’s creation. As Barry Emmett eloquently describes it: “This is the purpose of mathematics: to record complexity in simple form, to bring order – to establish relationships. Mathematics in brevity can interpret [where] English, even with many words, must flounder … Mathematics reveal God in a precise way no other discipline can. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge.” Units include Operations on Decimal Numbers, Fraction Operations, Fractions, Decimals and Percents, Fractions, Integers, Patterns and Expressions, Solving Equations, Measurement, Circles, Geometry: Coordinates and Design, Probability, Statistics.


Founded largely upon Christian convictions, and in accordance with our mandate to be wise stewards of God’s creation, the complex practice of Scientific investigation deepens our understanding and knowledge of both the creation and the Creator, prompting us to take action and promote ongoing change, transformation, restoration and hope as we work to show God’s love for all creation. Units include Chemistry (Matter, Solutions ), Ecosystems and The Earth’s Crust.

Social Studies

The ancient Mesopotamians, Egyptians and Greeks all have made significant technological, philosophical and artistic contributions to the Western world. Many inventions and concepts devised by these cultures continue to be evident in our modern societies. However, we also learn that no culture can survive when it rejects the God of the Bible and creates its own system of beliefs. These ancient civilizations believed they shaped their own destiny through economic and military might, yet God was always working out His plan through them. Units include Personal History, Civilizations and Archaeology, Ancient Mesopotamia, Geography Review, Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece.

Language Arts

God has given us the ability to communicate with others and also the ability to learn from others. We do much of our communicating by reading and listening to what others have to tell us and in return we converse by speaking or writing. In our Language Arts program we want to encourage our students to understand human experiences, to heighten and deepen our awareness of situations and experiences by reading a variety of novels and shorts stories and by writing about their own experiences. We also want to stimulate our students’ minds and hearts, to enlarge their being and help them experience and value delight, both by reading a variety of literature and by developing writing skills and abilities. Students must grow in listening thoughtfully, reading critically and writing creatively. Units include Glogster Life Banners, “The Giver” study, “Once” study, “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas” study, Heroes of the Holocaust, Oral Presentations, Debating, Leading, Listening Skills, Spelling and Vocabulary, Grammar, 6 + 1 Writing Traits, as well as home and independent reading.


We are educating the students for a life of discipleship. A life of discipleship is born out of faith in Jesus Christ. The whole curriculum, therefore, tries to express our response to God’s invitation to faith in Christ Jesus. Our students cannot trust and serve God unless they, converted by the Holy Spirit, know how God has revealed himself in creation, in scripture, and through Jesus Christ. Then, this belief must transfer into actions – how the students are called to live out their lives in joyful service to Him. The book of Genesis is a book of beginnings. Creation, the fall, the promise of redemption, society, culture, marriage, family, and the arts all start in the first chapters of Genesis. These chapters form the basis and the framework for the rest of salvation’s story. The book of Exodus exemplifies God’s care and protection for his people. He brings a nation out of slavery and educated them about who He is. God actively reveals his power in His mighty act of deliverance from captivity. He teaches them about His love and compassion by providing for them in the wilderness. He teaches them about holiness, justice and forgiveness. All the while, the Israelites’ responses are sometimes complaining, and sometimes trusting. The book of Revelation exhorts us to understand that although the world seems to be in chaos and out of control that God is on the throne and completely in control. We learn in this book that God chooses to use us to fulfill the great commission of winning souls for him and that we must wake up and be purposeful for his glory. Units include Psalm 139, Genesis 1: In the Beginning, Indescribable, Genesis 2: Dominion, Genesis 3: God Makes a Way, Genesis 4: Brother’s Keeper, Genesis 5: Geneology, Genesis 6-8: The Flood, Genesis 9-10: The Scattering, Genesis 11: The Tower, Psalm 27, Intro to Exodus, Exodus 2: Jesus is the True and Better Moses, Exodus 3: The Name of God, Exodus 4: Fire in the Bible, Exodus 5-10: Let My People Go, The 10 Commandments, God of the Exodus Response, Psalm 46, The End Times,Revelation 1: ”One Like a Son of Man,” Revelation 2-3: The 7 Churches,” Revelation 4-5: The Throne in Heaven.

Health and Career

Our main goal as Christian educators is to teach about Christ’s love for us. For our students to live a truly healthy life that includes joy, peace and fulfilment they must practice living lives that are obedient and honouring to God. In Health and Career Education, students are made aware of God’s views on healthy living, safety and injury prevention, alcohol and substance abuse as well as goal setting and decision making for their future. These concepts are taught in a variety of ways. Our weekly Chapel services engage students with lessons and challenges for living a Godly life as well as opportunities to worship. Servant hood is a key concept we focus on. Students are able to put this Godly attribute into practice with our Ambassador program. Students are challenged to serve our school and to be accountable. We are also involved with various service projects such as supporting a child with, International China Concern, and three times per week we have a visit with our grade two buddies from the elementary school. Health education is also addressed in our daily Anchor times. The topics and pressing issues that our students are facing are addressed with devotions, team-building activities, and media awareness. Units include Team and Community Building, Camp Stillwood Exploratory, International China Concern Fundraiser, Elementary Buddies, Ambassador Program, Chapel Involvement, Winter Activity, Exploratories.


In the beginning God created human beings with the gift of communication. He formed the framework and structures that human beings could discover and develop into means of communication. God made each language rich and intricate containing a unique way of structures and patterns. Since one language alone cannot contain all possible ways to praise God, we discover new ways to glorify the Creator as we learn other languages. Language is a creational gift which reflects the image of God and is not merely a human invention. -From : La joie de la langue française (Society of Christian Schools in BC, 2000) Units include Building Community and Friendship, “Art speaks to us…we speak through Art,” Christmas, Les légendes Québécois et La Grammaire, Tout Ados “Zone Sportive,” Grammar review.

Physical Education

God has blessed each one of us with intricate and carefully created bodies. He has also blessed with the gift of sport and recreation, which can be used throughout our lives both in school in society as a whole. In learning various team and individualized sports we can better develop our body’s physical condition, coordination and skill sets. Learning what it means to work together as a team and develop the qualities of sportsmanship can honour God’s creation. We can also learn humility and mercy through physical activities/competition and use the physical strength God has given us as an act of worship. Units include Fitness Circuit, Distance Running and Games, Volleyball, Dance, Tennis, Core Fitness, Basketball, Badminton, Track & Field, Ultimate and Wide Games.


As God’s children, we have been blessed with abilities to sing and play instruments to praise Him. The words and melodies of our praises stay in our hearts, our minds, and on our tongues. We are able to lift up and encourage each other “…with songs, hymns, and spiritual songs” (Ephesians 5:19) It is important that students have the opportunity to explore ways of praising God through all music, not just those deemed ‘sacred’ or having blatant religious vocabulary. God calls each of us to develop the gifts that have been given to us, and it is our responsibility to follow that call. At this middle school level, developing those gifts include learning about, listening to, performing, appreciating and discovering a wide range of music types and genres. In order to understand all facets of music, students are exposed to the various constructs and aspects of music: we study melody, rhythm, form, harmony, expression, technique, composition, as well as the cultural/historical context of music, all with the understanding that God is the creator and centre of all we sing, play, and listen to. It is truly a gift to have the opportunity to discover more of who God is through the enjoyment of His gift of music and song. Units include Elements of Rhythm, Elements of Melody, Thoughts, Images and Feelings, Self and Community, History and Culture of Music.


God created humankind with the abilities and opportunities to experience and appreciate His creation. He is the ultimate creator and as His creation, we are able to recognize, enjoy, and evaluate the aesthetic side of creation. The art program provides students with opportunities to discover, experience, and develop their own aesthetic insights and abilities. The goal of the art program is to generate awareness in the students that God asks them to enrich their lives through art. Our objective is to promote visual literacy, visual awareness and seeing perceptively. Also, we give students the freedom to express their thoughts, feelings, and abilities visually. As part of His creation, we in turn perpetuate the act of creation through creating ourselves. And in all things, may God’s glory be evident through our art. Units include Life Banners, Inchie Art, Cartooning, Still Life Study, Transformations and Metamorphasis, Impressionism and French Painters, Self Portrait in charcoal, Pop Art, Watercolours.


In many ways our world is rapidly changing but the needs and desires of man have not changed. The role of the library is to encourage students to read for pleasure and insight so that they might better understand the world that they live in and how they can be a blessing to that world. The other major role of the library is to work with teachers in preparing students to navigate and successfully utilize the resources on the internet. The learning environment is not just set within the walls of the school but is everywhere, especially with the development of the Internet. With students having so much access to information through electronic resources, they must develop information literacy which is the ability to locate, use and effectively evaluate information. Like any skill that is acquired, it can be used for God’s glory which ultimately is the final goal of any endeavour. Units include Assessing Websites, Becoming Internet Savvy, and Social Justice.

Information Technology

Information Technology has transformed our world. The speed and scope of information gathering and communication has increased exponentially over the past decade. These advances have brought both positive and negative changes to the ways in which we interact, on both personal levels, as well as social levels. Today’s students need the tools and skills sets required to be at the forefront of Information Technology advances, as well as the wisdom and guidance to know how to use these abilities in constructive, God-pleasing ways. Units include Glogster, Digital Citizenship, Microsoft Word, Excel, Windows Live Movie Maker.


Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two makes four. If that is granted, all else follows. Winston Smith, 1984 (George Orwell) Foundationally, mathematics requires a world based on logic and order. Christianity stands against the post-modern worldview in affirming that there is an objective reality that mathematics can stand on. God has created a world of order and logic; mathematics is only possible in such a world. The goal of Mathematics is to develop mathematical reasoning, problem-solving abilities, and communicative skills. Furthermore, the aim is to support deeper understanding of the concepts in order for the students to apply their knowledge in a variety of situations. The Math 8 program will increase students’ appreciation of God’s creation through mathematical reasoning and logic; this appreciation will lead the students to see the complexity, beauty, order and purpose of God’s creation and the Gospel message. In addition, students will learn to recognize the limitations and dangers of mathematical reasoning while learning the necessity of absolutes for a conception of right and wrong. Units include Percentages, Ratios, Rates, and Proportional Reasoning, Fractions, Integers, Linear Relations and Equations, Pythagorean Relationships, Surface Area, Volume, Tessellations, Representing Data, Probability.


God made the world and saw that it was good. This course will affirm the reality emphasized in Scripture that a greater understanding of the universe will lead to a greater understanding of God. To neglect science is to neglect God’s general revelation of himself made to all people. This course will foster the student’s understanding of scientific knowledge and processes. Furthermore, through the examination of scientific theory and the cultivation of safe laboratory practices, this course will actively promote problem solving skills and relate individual scientific principles to the complex relationships that exist among the sciences and between the students and their environment. These emerging relationships will support a deeper understanding of their Creator and instill their responsibility as stewards of His created world. Units include: Scientific Method and Safety, What is Life?, Cells, Body Systems, Immune Systems, Human Vision, Waves and the Electromagnetic Spectrum, Light, Kinetic Molecular Theory and Density, Forces, Pressure & Flow, Fluid Systems, Water Systems.

Social Studies

“Ask the former generation and find out what their ancestors learned, for we were born only yesterday and know nothing, and our days on earth are but a shadow.”- Job 8:8-9God is sovereign and unchanging, and people are flawed and ever faltering. This course is will be taught as an educational subject and not just an informational subject and students will be challenged to think critically about history so that they may be engaged in the studying of the subject matter and about how God has been working throughout the course of history. This course is designed to educate students about how humanity is fallen, and how though humans have ‘progressed’ in terms of cultivating civilizations in many ways humanity has digressed from their Creator. In Social Studies we will analyze, critique, compare and uncover different civilizations through the lens that economically, politically, socially and spiritually humanity demonstrates the need to be rescued from themselves. However, we will also highlight the characters that God has used to shape History. These characters are the hidden tools of the God of history; the aged and the infants, the women and the young men, the persecuted and imprisoned, all those who are innocently sacrificed for the future, to be one small stone in the building of the divine Kingdom, of which the Perfect Servant of God is the corner stone. Social Studies will give an opportunity for students to become a stone for the Divine Kingdom. Topics include: Society, Culture, Politics, Law, Economy, Technology, Environment, Rome, Europe’s Late Middle Ages, Islamic Spain, The Renaissance.

Language Arts

Language, in all its forms (written, spoken and nonverbal), is powerful. The power of communication is reflective of and demonstrated by its creator. In English 8, we will explore the power of language in its various forms. Students will be challenged to develop their God-given ability to use language, and to examine various pieces of literature against Biblical truths. Furthermore, students will be challenged to recognize all literature as writing within the larger Biblical narrative – the unwritten narrative of Act 5.5. Subsequently, they will be challenged to view their lives as a story within this narrative. Stories are not merely for entertainment purposes, but they speak to the values, ideals, passions, fears and struggles of our world. Stories teach us not only about the world and ourselves, but also about our Maker who continues to reveal His point of view and plan for this world. Therefore, it is essential that students develop their writing, speaking and critical reading skills so that they may respond to literature, as they begin to test and approve what is God’s good and perfect will for this world. Units include: Short Story Unit and Literary Paragraphs, Book Reports, “The Outsiders” unit and Elements of an Essay, Debating, Persuasive Essays, Public Service Announcements, Social Justice Book Reports, Poetry, Creative Writing.


Immersing ourselves in a Christian academic community often leads us to assume that we “know” the Bible. We can recite the Romans Road verses, rattle of the names of twelve apostles, and retell David’s stories from memory. However, many of us who base our faith on this type of knowledge find ourselves drifting spiritually or perhaps walking away from discipleship altogether. Is this really “knowing” the Bible, and more importantly, “knowing” the living God to whom it points? In Bible 8 we will explore a different epistemology, one based on engaging with the One who is the Word. This requires the involvement of our whole person: mind, body, and spirit. Through the Alpha Course we will wrestle with the fundamental questions of Christian faith and challenge the assumptions we make about what Christianity is. Through our study of the Synoptic Gospels we will rediscover the impact of Jesus and what it means to actually live as one of His disciples. Finally, through our study of Environmental Stewardship we will take our God-given responsibility seriously and put our faith into action. It is our hope that in this way we will come to a deeper, holistic knowledge of the Bible and the God who inspired it. Units include The Alpha Course, The Synoptic Gospels, Environmental Stewardship.

Health and Career

Many aspects of life are affected by a student’s education, including the values, attitudes and beliefs of those who live it. When making life choices about our health, our future careers and our education, students at RCMS must learn to consider the ramifications and consequences of their actions – consequences to themselves (physically and spiritually) and to others around them. Units include: True Colours Program and Team Building, Camp Stillwood, ICC Fundraiser, Grade Group Service Projects, Chapel Involvement, Electives, Healthy Relationships, Exploratories.


In the beginning God created human beings with the gift of communication. He formed the framework and structures that human beings could discover and develop into means of communication. God made each language rich and intricate containing a unique way of structures and patterns. Since one language alone cannot contain all possible ways to praise God, we discover new ways to glorify the Creator as we learn other languages. Language is a creational gift which reflects the image of God and is not merely a human invention. -From : La joie de la langue française (Society of Christian Schools in BC, 2000) Units include: Our Community and Our Friends, Portraits Canadiens, Christmas Carols and Poems, Le Tour Du Monde Fracophone, Cafe Francais, Year in Review, La Musique et les poems.

Physical Education

God has blessed each one of us with intricate and carefully created bodies. He has also blessed with the gift of sport and recreation, which can be used throughout our lives both in school in society as a whole. In learning various team and individualized sports we can better develop our body’s physical condition, coordination and skill sets. Learning what it means to work together as a team and develop the qualities of sportsmanship can honour God’s creation. We can also learn humility and mercy through physical activities/competition and use the physical strength God has given us as an act of worship. Units include Fitness Circuit, Distance Running and Games, Volleyball, Dance, Tennis, Basketball, Badminton, Track and Field, Ultimate, Wide Games.


As God’s children, we have been blessed with abilities to sing and play instruments to praise Him. The words and melodies of our praises stay in our hearts, our minds, and on our tongues. We are able to lift up and encourage each other “…with songs, hymns, and spiritual songs” (Ephesians 5:19) It is important that students have the opportunity to explore ways of praising God through all music, not just those deemed ‘sacred’ or having blatant religious vocabulary. God calls each of us to develop the gifts that have been given to us, and it is our responsibility to follow that call. At this middle school level, developing those gifts include learning about, listening to, performing, appreciating and discovering a wide range of music types and genres. In order to understand all facets of music, students are exposed to the various constructs and aspects of music: we study melody, rhythm, form, harmony, expression, technique, composition, as well as the cultural/historical context of music, all with the understanding that God is the creator and centre of all we sing, play, and listen to. It is truly a gift to have the opportunity to discover more of who God is through the enjoyment of His gift of music and song. Units include: Elements of Rhythm, Elements of Melody, Thoughts, Images and Feelings, Self and Community, History and Culture of Music.


Art is both a means of self-expression and self-exploration. It can be a social commentary to express one’s beliefs and values. It can also be used to create utilitarian objects, or it can be purely for enjoyment. The One who created us is by nature a creator. We are created to reflect God’s nature and to participate with God in creative acts, using our God-given gifts and talents to honour Him. In 1 Corinthians 10:31, the Apostle Paul wrote, “Whether, then, you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” Art is, above all, a form of worship. Units include Colour and Contrast, Shape/Space/Value and Balance, Texture and Pattern, and Line and Movement.


In many ways our world is rapidly changing but the needs and desires of man have not changed. The role of the library is to encourage students to read for pleasure and insight so that they might better understand the world that they live in and how they can be a blessing to that world. The other major role of the library is to work with teachers in preparing students to navigate and successfully utilize the resources on the internet. The learning environment is not just set within the walls of the school but is everywhere, especially with the development of the Internet. With students having so much access to information through electronic resources, they must develop information literacy which is the ability to locate, use and effectively evaluate information. Like any skill that is acquired, it can be used for God’s glory which ultimately is the final goal of any endeavour. Units include Assessing Websites, Becoming Internet Savvy, and Social Justice.


Our world is characterized by rapid technological change. There is constant pressure to stay up to date with the “latest and greatest” equipment and software. Many desirable, technology-based jobs did not exist ten years ago. How can we equip our students to meet the needs of the 21st century if we don’t know even know what those needs will be? In Computers 8 we will acknowledge the need to teach our students relevant and useful computer skills. However, the desire to keep up with a changing world must be balanced by our thirst for the unchanging God. Humans are made in God’s image and are invested with His creativity, His desire for order, and His sense of purpose. We will tap into the gifts and abilities our Father has endowed us with to use technology in a way that honours His designer’s spirit and bless our fellow image-bearers. Units include: Google Sketch Up, Prezi, Final Projects.

Foods and Nutrition

God cares for and provides for his children. One universal necessity He provides for us is food. Students will learn practical life skills in food technique, preparation and nutrition and also have the opportunity to express their creativity in food presentation. They will learn about the different micro and macro nutrients and the general role they play in our health. This will enable them to apply a more comprehensive understanding of Canada’s Food Guide to their own lives, as they will self-assess and reflect on their own eating habits. Furthermore, they will learn about the social aspects of food by bring people together in fellowship, as students will be given the opportunity to serve others using their newly developed food skills. Units include: Intro to Foods, Food Safety and Sanitation, Healthy Snacks, Yogurt and Basic Measuring, Eggs, Intro to Micro/Macro Nutrients, Canada’s Food Guide, Healthy Alternatives, Cooking Meat and Basic Chopping Techniques. Test Lab: Blueberry Muffins, Foods Final Exposition, Clean Up and Reflection.


Drama is an art form that allows us to explore the many aspects of life, including the values, attitudes and beliefs of those who live it. Drama provides an exciting and unique opportunity through which to praise God and share the gospel. In Drama 8, students will feel that they are part of a safe and supportive community where they can freely explore and improve their ability to act as they learn, experience and grow together. In many activities students will have the opportunity to explore aspects of their faith and dramatize biblical events. The course will culminate in the development and presentation of a short play, which will be presented to a formal audience. Units include Trust Building, Tableau and Mime, Voice, Character Development, Elements and Structures of Stage, and Class/Small Group Production.