Welcome to the Graduation page!

Here you will find information about Career Education and other important information regarding RCS graduation.

If you have any questions, please contact our Academic Counsellor.

Graduation Planning

Download Graduation Planning Form


Graduation Requirement

Requirement Checklist


Career Life Connections

Work Volunteer Experience Form


Grad Resource List
Transcript Information

BC Government Order Transcripts and Certificates

Student Transcript Services is the new (2017) ministry website to sign up to have your transcripts sent directly to the universities you are applying to. You sign up for an account, then you can check your marks. and order your transcripts. All your school marks are uploaded here three times a year. If these marks are not the same as the ones on your report card, please see the Academic Counsellor. You select the institutions that you want your transcripts sent to, and the Ministry of Education sends them directly.

External Credentials

Organizations Offering Approved External Credentials

You can get credits on your transcript for outside activities such as athletics (provincial or national teams), lifesaving, dance, music, horseback riding, Duke of Edinburgh awards, scouts, guides etc. Check out this website to see if your credentials can get you credits on your transcript. If so, bring your original certificates to the Academic Counsellor. I will make a copy and add the credits on your transcript and you can put the originals in your portfolio.

BC Transfer Guide

BC Transfer Guide

This site shows you the post-secondary courses that are transferable between BC institutions. This is useful if, for example, you are going to Kwantlen, Langara, Capilano or Douglas and want to know if the courses you are taking will transfer to UBC or SFU.

Information and Trades


This is the Industry Training Authority website which has resources and information about pursuing a trade. It’s particularly useful for helping you discern what trade might be a good fit for you.

Information about Jobs and the Job Market

Work BC

Lists the top 25 jobs projected for the next 10 years. Also, other job and career search information for all areas of BC.

Canada Job Bank

A comprehensive Canadian government website about jobs and careers.

Mental Health Resources


Mental health resource site for young adults. There are active chapters at UBC, UBC Okanagan, BCIT and several local High Schools. They give talks and workshops and train peer advocates.

Foundry BC

This is a BC based website designed for youth ages 12-24, it contains information, strategies and resources for young people around mental health, wellness, body image, stress and addiction issues.