









The goal of the Career Education department is to give opportunities for students to explore, plan for and reflect on the different paths their lives can take.  We seek to equip students with the skills, competencies and mindsets that they will need to be successful in all aspects of life that the Spirit leads them which would in turn impact not only themselves but their communities.

Graduation Requirements Statement

To graduate, students must take Career Life Education (Grade 10), Career Life Connections A (Grade 11) and Career Life Connections B, which is their Capstone project (Grade 12).

Career Education 9

Description: This course has students reflect on their identity and who they want to be, as well as the stewardship of time.  Students will also learn about workplace safety.  It is hoped that after completing this course, students will be able to have the foundation needed to be able to explore God’s calling for them.

Career Life Education 10

Prerequisite: Grade 10 Standing

Graduation Requirement: Career Life Education

Description: This course has students reflect on the competencies that will help not only in school but in work settings. Students will also create an initial résumé and participate in mock job interviews. They will also work on creating a personal budget, as well as review academic options for possible career paths. It is hope that students will have more concrete skills that will help them further with their career planning.  Additionally, students will explore the BC Ministry of Education graduation program and initially explore different career paths.

Additional Information: This course is taken during their Grade 10 year.

Career Life Connections A (11)

Prerequisite: Grade 11 Standing

Graduation Requirement: Career Life Connections 11 (2 Credits)

Description: The goal of the Career Life Connections A is to equip students with the skills they need to navigate life effectively and with ease. These skills should be transferred to any student, whether they plan to go to post-secondary education, work, or seek a career out of high school. Career-Life Connections A focuses on applying personal, career-life management knowledge, skills, and strategies to one’s own personal life journey.  In this course students will apply what they learned in Career Education 9 and Career Life Education 10 about identity and personal skills and passions explore career options and post-secondary training necessary for these careers.  Students will use this information to start thinking about the Capstone project that they will complete in their Grade 12 year.

Additional Information: This course is taken during their Grade 11 year.

Career Life Connections B (12)

Prerequisite: Career Life Connections A

Graduation Requirement: Career Life Connections 12 (Capstone) (2 Credits)

Description: This course provides time and guidance for students as they complete their Capstone Project.  This is aculminating project, presentation or performance that allows students the opportunity to showcase their learning from both school and life experience into a meaningful product.  It is designed to allow students a variety of inquiry, innovation, critical thinking and cross-curricular knowledge to inspire their final product. More information on the Capstone Project can be found here.

Additional Information: This course is taken during their Grade 12 year.

Teaching Assistant 11

Prerequisite: Grade 11 standing, previously taken the course and additional requirements found in postings

Graduation Requirement: Elective

Description: Teaching Assistant 11 provides students with an opportunity to experience the task of teaching and to come to a better understanding of the role that education plays in our society. The course consists of a classroom portion where students practice presentation skills, teaching and classroom management, among study of various issues related to education, including educational psychology, educational philosophy and social issues related to education, and also an experiential portion where students will work in the classroom of a teacher, completing various tasks ranging from helping with administrative work to developing and teaching their own lessons (despite two sections, this course has the same number of hours as others).  Students will be encouraged to view teaching and education of great importance, and also something that holds different and special significance to Christians and the church. Although ideal for students considering a future in teaching, the skills developed by students will prove valuable in other professions and courses of study.

Additional Information:

Work Experience 12

Prerequisite: Grade 11 Standing

Graduation Requirement: Elective

Description: The work experience program offers students a unique opportunity to work in local businesses and industry as part of their school day and course work. Work experience is a supervised and monitored program that includes the combination of paid or unpaid work along with some course work and assignments. The primary goal of work experience is to help students prepare for the transition from secondary school to the world of work. Through work experience, students have the opportunity to observe and practice generic employability skills required in the workplace and or technical and applied skills relating specific occupations or industries.

Additional Information:

  • Students must complete 100 hours of work experience by the end of the course.
  • Students may take Work Experience 12 twice.
  • Students are required to fill out a Work Experience Agreement
  • Students are expected to find their own work placement.
    Youth Work in Trades

    Prerequisite: Grade 11 Standing

    Graduation Requirement: Elective

    Description: This is a pre-apprentice program for students planning to continue into an apprentice-able trade. Students are eligible to take up to 4 Youth Work in Trades courses and each course is equivalent to 100-120 hours’ worth of employment under a registered tradesperson. Students will be under the ITA regulatory body and will be graded, paid and trained by their standards. Students must find a Red Seal employer willing to train and supervise them, and the training program must be approved by the school. Contact the Academic Advisor for more information.

    Additional Information:

    • Students are expected to find their own registered tradesperson.
    • Students are expected to fill out a Youth Work in Trades Application
    • Students are required to have an interview with the Academic Advisor before placement is approved.